How to Know if your Baby is Dehydrated

                Dehydration is when you lose more water than you take in. That makes it harder for your body to do some basic jobs, like keep your temperature steady and clear out waste. You lose water in your sweat, tears, and every...


                  For International Women’s Day (March 8), Mothersbond would give away several Mothersbond SuperFast Electric breast milk pump to support breastfeeding women. EXTENDED TILL 10TH MARCH, 2019. So many of...

Baby’s Clubbed Feet and The Solution

Clubbed Foot in Babies Because of how less common clubbed foot is, it is hardly discussed and quality material on it is scarce. However, it does exists and should be discussed because it can happen to just about anybody. Clubbed foot is the bending of a baby’s...

How to store breast milk safely

How to Store Breast Milk for Your Baby There are many reasons why a Mom may wish to store her milk. The most common scenario is when you want to go exclusive but you are a busy Mom. Perhaps you have a career or a job or run a business and cant have your baby with you...

Best Sleep Position in Pregnancy

Best Sleep Position in Pregnancy: When pregnant, your preferred sleep position may no longer be comfortable as your tummy begins to grow. And finding the right position determines if you are going to have a refreshing sleep and by implication a good day tomorrow. The...

Tips on Adoption

At Mothersbond, Our goal is well known; to help every woman get the opportunity to bond comfortably, confidently and happily with her own child. Regarding adoption, we don’t know any agent nor do we facilitate the process. All we do is provide a 100% silicon...