How to Know if your Baby is Dehydrated

                Dehydration is when you lose more water than you take in. That makes it harder for your body to do some basic jobs, like keep your temperature steady and clear out waste. You lose water in your sweat, tears, and every...


                  For International Women’s Day (March 8), Mothersbond would give away several Mothersbond SuperFast Electric breast milk pump to support breastfeeding women. EXTENDED TILL 10TH MARCH, 2019. So many of...

Baby’s Clubbed Feet and The Solution

Clubbed Foot in Babies Because of how less common clubbed foot is, it is hardly discussed and quality material on it is scarce. However, it does exists and should be discussed because it can happen to just about anybody. Clubbed foot is the bending of a baby’s...

How to Improve Your BreastMilk Supply

As a new Mom, one of the things you would worry about is if you are producing enough milk for your baby. This type of worry is common with first time moms who have decided before childbirth that they are going to breastfeed exclusively only now to be disappointed with...

How to store breast milk safely

How to Store Breast Milk for Your Baby There are many reasons why a Mom may wish to store her milk. The most common scenario is when you want to go exclusive but you are a busy Mom. Perhaps you have a career or a job or run a business and cant have your baby with you...

Best Sleep Position in Pregnancy

Best Sleep Position in Pregnancy: When pregnant, your preferred sleep position may no longer be comfortable as your tummy begins to grow. And finding the right position determines if you are going to have a refreshing sleep and by implication a good day tomorrow. The...

How to Clean your Baby’s Teeth

Babies generally start teething from 4-12 months. Some start earlier than others, some start late. Some start with one or two, some start with several at once. Either one, its best to start cleaning your child’s mouth even before her teeth come in. Wipe the gums...

Tips on Adoption

At Mothersbond, Our goal is well known; to help every woman get the opportunity to bond comfortably, confidently and happily with her own child. Regarding adoption, we don’t know any agent nor do we facilitate the process. All we do is provide a 100% silicon...

Natural Family Planning and Baby Sex Preselection

Family planning is such a hot topic today. With economic problems biting hard there is no better time than now to limit the size of families. When we have a small family, we can easily take care of them and provide the very best for them. Even more interesting is the...

Family Planning and Baby Sex Preselection

This course is for the following people… A woman who already has one child and wants to plan when the next child should come A single lady who wants to control how many children to have when she is ready Moms who already have children and want to plan the size of...

Optimal Baby Weight (and Height).

In the image below, you can toggle between the list for boys and the list for girls using the arrows on the sides. Please dont be worried about the statistical language (percentile) used. It only shows that majority falls within this...

The Truth About Breastfeeding

So really, what’s the fuss about breast feeding anyways? Well, in our opinion, breast feeding a baby is so important. If it wasn’t, nature would not have put it in place. That there are some people who didn’t benefit from their mother’s milk as they should have and...

How to get your figure back after child delivery

Getting rid of post pregnancy fat isn’t easy and it wouldn’t happen naturally. That’s the truth. If you don’t take care of your postpartum fat, it wouldn’t take care of itself. It wouldn’t get rid of itself. For a very small number of women it happens relatively...

Overcoming Back and Waist Pain in Pregnancy

Most Women experience some form of back pain during pregnancy. For some, it is mild and manageable and they can get through day by day until baby arrives. For others, it is such a difficult time and they need help getting through each day. In very severe cases, they...

Preventing Weight Gain during Pregnancy

                        Pregnancy is almost synonymous with weight gain. Weight gain in the body, especially in the abdominal area and hip region are very common and even expected. A very effective method of...

How to Store Breast Milk for your baby.

                            There are several reasons why a mom may have to extract milk from herself and then store it. Sometimes, baby is a preemie (born before the expected delivery date) and in...

Suffering From Sore Nipples and Breasts?

For most breastfeeding mothers, Nipple pain is one aspect of the bonding process that they do not enjoy and wish to have something done about it quickly.   As part of our service, Mothersbond provides guidance on basic tips to help moms and moms to be enjoy the...