Dehydration is when you lose more water than you take in. That makes it harder for your body to do some basic jobs, like keep your temperature steady and clear out waste. You lose water in your sweat, tears, and every time you go to the bathroom. Even breathing takes a little out of you. Babies and kids are more likely than adults to get dehydrated because they’re smaller.

Babies and little kids can’t always tell you what’s going on with their bodies. Look for a dry tongue, no tears when crying, no wet diapers for 3 hours, and more fussiness than normal. When it’s more severe, their mouths will be dry and sticky, and their eyes and cheeks may look sunken. They also may breathe fast and have a fast or weak pulse. 
In situations like this, you should give water right away. However, you should try your best to see that this doesn’t happen again. Children who are breastfed exclusively are less likely to be dehydrated. The regular nursing that’s associated with exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life prevents this. Beyond 6 months however, the risk is always there lurking around.








How to Prevent Dehydration
Most of the tips here are self intuitive
1. Keep water nearby
2. Keep water within eye view. Its one thing for water to be nearby but its another to see it and pickup
3. Have a reminder device. Sometimes we go out of the house, sometimes we are outside the room where the water is on the table, sometimes we sleep off. A set reminder will help you remember. Your phone can help, your baby monitor can help if you have one, or any alarm clock you have at home. If you use a smartphone, there are apps too that help you remember to drink water or give your baby with water.
How we can help
1. If you have any topics you would like us to discuss, please tell us and we would discuss it.
2. Remember we have healthcare providers who can support you on our website. Lactation consultants, midwives, birth attendants etc. Just reach out to us on our home page. All help and support is FREE. If we have to do a video call, we would.
3. Our Bottle Set of N8,000 pictured below has been getting good feedback from moms. It contains 4 temperature resistant bottles. And the bottles are dual purpose for feeding and for storage. It comes with 4 Nipples, 4 Covers. 1 brush, 1 sponge, 1 pacifier. Just all you need for nursing a baby. Temperature resistance means it retains heat or cool longer than normal. And can keep milk fresh for up to 24 hours even without a fridge.
If you would like to order the bottle set, please do so below.