As a new Mom, one of the things you would worry about is if you are producing enough milk for your baby. This type of worry is common with first time moms who have decided before childbirth that they are going to breastfeed exclusively only now to be disappointed with low milk supply.

To start, not every woman will produce enough milk for her baby from the onset. For some, their milk will not come on time but the supply will increase as time goes on. Where as for some, although very few women, the milk would not come well enough until she abandons breastfeeding entirely. It will keep supplying poorly despite her best efforts.

Breast milk production and supply is NOT a function breast size. Some women with G, H , I or J cup (huge) breasts aren’t producing as much milk as a lady with a C cup. So its not size, its nature and hormones.

Breast milk supply increases with how much you remove. So if your baby is sucking it well, then more will be produced. Also, if you are pumping with a good breast pump like Mothersbond breast pump, more will be produced. It is a natural replenishing process. On the contrary, if its not being sucked, then signals are sent to your pituitary gland in your brain that your baby has been weaned and you no longer need to breastfeed and as such, the milk may start to recede (go away) on its own.

Its best to breast feed on both sides for equal length of time. If one is sucked more than the other, then it can lead to engorgement of the breast not sucked. And if this process continues, then it can make both breasts uneven on the long run. Its better that way, it keeps a balance on things. Always weigh your breasts for which is heavier. Trust me, you would know from the feeling. Always start from the heavier one. Even if you are not producing milk as you should, just keep having baby suck both sides equally.

Another fact is that you should get a breast pump. It helps. We already established that the more breast is sucked, the more milk is produced. If one is sucked and the other isn’t, perhaps baby is full or falls asleep, and your feel too heavy, try to express it so both sides are equally served. Having breast milk in one and the other is empty can cause shoulder aches and shoulder pains. Using a pump is like stimulating your breast too.

Expressing milk with a breast pump at the office, at school, at the place of business, or anywhere, even in your car or anywhere you can have privacy, is always a good idea even when you are not with your baby. If baby is with you, you should breastfeed directly except for reasons such as injury.

In addition to these…

You would also need to improve your diet. Increase your water intake significantly. Breast milk is over 80 percent water. So you should try to eat foods that contain enough water. You should also try to always be hydrated. For this period, till the next few months until your supply comes fully, always have a bottle of water beside you whether at work or at home. Drink it all the time. At intervals of 5 minutes, take sips. You should finish at least 75CL of bottle water every 2 hours then refill. Expect to urinate often too..
Also try to eat vegetables. Green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, carrots, raw tomatoes and garden eggs. Eat them on an empty stomach, very early in the morning far before breakfast and late at night long after dinner.
Drink tea, hot cocoa drinks and pap and anything that easily converts into water, not carbonated sugary minerals. Oatmeal and yogurt is also great.

These would help your breast fill up then the breast pump would help you extract it. Please do not say ok I would try these tips and not get the pump. They work together.

Finally and most importantly, try to relax. As funny as it may sound, milk ducts are closed when a nursing mother is tense. Try to sleep well and worry less your milk supply would come quicker if you worry less.

Enjoy bonding with your child.

Constantly expressing milk is a sure way to improve your milk supply. This flexibility is best enjoyed if your breast pump that is also battery operated. Our Mothersbond Superfast electric breast pump is also battery operated and fast that you wouldn’t spend too much time emptying your breast. It also improves your breast shape over time. It costs N26,000 plus an extra cost for delivery which depends on where you are.

If you are a new mom still struggling with post partum tummy, please relax. The abdominal binder will bring down the tummy.

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