Best Sleep Position in Pregnancy:
When pregnant, your preferred sleep position may no longer be comfortable as your tummy begins to grow. And finding the right position determines if you are going to have a refreshing sleep and by implication a good day tomorrow.
The best sleep position when pregnant is sleeping on your side. We would discuss more on that but let’s first talk about the dangers of other sleep positions.
First wrong sleep position is face down. Sleeping on your belly is not good for your baby; obviously. If your entire weight is resting on the baby, it can press the fetus to suffocation. You should avoid this position from day 1 after you confirm pregnancy. And for you, as your breast gets fuller, painful, sensitive and tenderer in preparation for breast feeding, the tenderness makes it easy for them to be pressed and loose shape. Although if you have this problem it can be corrected by our Mothersbond Superfast electric breast pump. This breast pump which is for expressing milk is also designed with a unique Perkyimprove feature which helps your breasts become rounder, fuller and perkier than it was before you began breastfeeding.

The second wrong position is sleeping face up. This should be avoided from 4-5 months as the fetus begins to gain weight. If you sleep on your back, facing up, the fetus presses its weight on your spine (and back bone). This can cause waist and back pains. It can also lead to difficulty in walking during pregnancy. In addition, sleeping on your back can affect your digestion as the entire mass of your belly rests on your stomach, intestines and other organs. Furthermore, it can also affect your baby’s free movements as the entire belly sinks inwards which make the entire abdominal area tight and congested.
Sleeping on the side is best. It allows easy circulation/exchange of between mom and baby as there is no pressure on the placenta. Sleeping on your side, with your head on a soft pillow, not raised too high, your legs slightly folded-in seems to be the most restful combination, sometimes with a not too big pillow tucked in between the two knees. Please don’t wait till your tummy starts to show at 4-5months before switching to the sleep on side (SOS) position. Start right away for two reason. 1. It may take some time to get use to sleeping on the side if it wasn’t your original sleep position. 2. Sleeping on the belly while pregnant is one of the leading causes of miscarriages and threatened abortions in the first few months of pregnancy. No one wants to wake up and see blood.
While this may be the ideal position, a small number of women find it difficult to sleep on the side. In that case, if you must sleep facing upwards, please make sure you are NOT completely flat on your back. Have some soft pillows on your back in a semi sitting position that puts no pressure on your belly or neck. Around aprrox 45 degrees.
Final words from Mothersbond: When you are sleeping, try to be as comfortable as possible especially if sleeping for more than 10 minutes. If you fall asleep unexpectedly, and wake up to find yourself in the wrong position, please go lie on your bed or a wide sofa if you have one. And just as important as sleeping is, it is also important to know how to rise up and get out of bed properly when pregnant.
Our prayer is that every pregnant woman has a safe delivery. Please visit our website/shop if you are interested in our Mothersbond Superfast Electric breast pump. It can fill up 2 midsize milk bottles in 6-8 minutes; and improves your breasts shape too. With a unique PerkyImprove feature that protects your breasts from sagging, it even helps them become perkier, well rounded and firmer with consistent/regular use. This ability is unique to only Mothersbond Pump.
Don’t forget the Mothersbond 3 in 1 post pregnancy abdominal binder. It is a very powerful product, well known and well loved by Moms. Every pregnant woman should have it. Get it while pregnant so you can begin using immediately your baby comes; you see results quicker, and with lesser efforts if you begin using early. For Orders/Enquires Please Call 0818-346-1635.
Enjoy bonding with your child.