Family planning is such a hot topic today. With economic problems biting hard there is no better time than now to limit the size of families. When we have a small family, we can easily take care of them and provide the very best for them. Even more interesting is the fact that couples can now pre-select the sex of their next child. Today, you see families setting out to have a boy (or girl) first and balancing it with the other sex. No one would tell you how they did it. Its not always a stroke of luck, especially when it looks too good to be true. Or a man and his wife wishes to have two children only, but gets two of the same sex. No one can blame them if they try again but it would be too painful to still have thesame sex. Today, we now know what to do. No more 50/50 chance.

Natural and Unnatural Family Planning
The Unnatural Method is the one involving the use of barriers such as a male condom, female condom, or hormonal pills, injections, patches, implants, insertions etc.
Condoms have no side effects, except remembering to wear them or excusing yourself and asking your partner to hold on while you wear one can kill the mood which many argue is a very important factor. Over time, if you are using the high quality condoms (which can be slightly more costly), it could add up to a significant amount each month. You also have to remember to buy some and if you have young growing children, how to hide it is another thing.

Then pills, injections, patches and insertions have side effects which no one would tell you completely. No woman should try these except you are above 45 and don’t intend to have any more children. More so, they also don’t offer 100% guarantee as many women using them still get pregnant. The way these (hormonal) contraceptives work vary but generally they either make you infertile or make the uterus a place that is too hostile for a pregnancy to stay. It is not that pregnancy doesn’t occur but it wont stay, that is why some women using them have heavy menstrual flow. What is really happening is that you are getting pregnant but what is inside you is aborting it steadily and regularly. If only you know what repeated abortions do to a woman’s body… This is why after using them and when they are ready to have another baby, they can’t.

In other cases, they change the chemical composition of your body and cause hormonal imbalance. Some increase your prolactin levels, and alter progesterone/estrogen balance so that you either stop ovulating completely or even stop menstruating. Sometimes breast milk begins to come out of your breast because they have sent a signal through the medicine that you are pregnant and so pregnancy can’t occur in an already pregnant woman. Unfortunately, chemical changes are difficult to re-adjust and may take months or years if at all they come back. They also cause adding of weight and loss of sexual urge/desire. Increase in stomach size, disappearance of menses have also been reported and many people regret ever trying them. Women contact us every day complaining about what these medicine/injection types of family planning has done to them. They have spent so much money trying to get things in order all to no avail. If only they heard of this natural family planning and had someone take time to lecture them as we do. This is why we teach the natural family planning methods.

Natural Family Planning Method.
The Natural Method, which is by far more efficient and more reliable and has zero side effects. It offers a 99.995% guarantee if you can stick to the rules we would teach you. No medicine, No injection, No drugs, and no after effects. Just God given natural tips to help you understand your body. You only have to master the simple rules and you are FREE. Free from tablets daily, or injections monthly. Do you really want to do that to yourself? Medical/tablet/injection family planning is a bondage you dont need.

Our goal at Mothersbond in this regard is to train women on natural family planning techniques. We however charge a small fee for this but it’s a knowledge that would save you a whole lot in future. It is a very wise investment because you would learn a lot and the knowledge to be gained will save you so much in return, you can even teach your daughters. If its written as a book, women wont have the time to read it. But as an online chat-course, you will learn everything and ask as many questions as you like. Dont worry, its only for a few days and we would give you all the information you need. Maybe 2-3 times. Thats all, except you have more questions to ask.

The fee for the Natural Family Planning class is N10,000
The fee for the baby sex pre-selection is N20,000. (Where you are taught how to choose if to have a boy or a girl child).

To register, please send an SMS to 08183461635 stating that you want to register for the family planning online chat-course, drop a comment here, or send us an email to You would be provided with the bank payment details and after we confirm the payment, you would be directed to our group chat where you would take the course.