Many physical changes that occur during pregnancy persist for 4-6 weeks after delivery so exercise intensity should resume very gradually. Consideration needs to be given to the stresses placed on the pelvic floor when choosing a post-partum exercise program. After a normal vaginal delivery,  exercises can be commenced as soon as you are comfortable, with special attention placed on the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.  For CS deliveries, activities that place an increased gravitational load on the pelvic floor such as running or high impact aerobics should be delayed for at least 4-5 months or until you receive clearance from your doctor.

Exercises for now are gentle on the abdominal muscles to start. Your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles have been over-stretched and are therefore very weak. These exercise tips we are sharing here are of 5 types. They advance gradually with each one laying a foundation for the next. They require that you be comfortable on the floor (using a good yoga mat for example).

  • Leg Raise
  • Superman Flight Pilate
  • Foot-drop/leg drop
  • Sitting on the Ball
  • Pelvic Tilts Exercises.


  1. Leg Raise Exercise

The single leg raise exercise requires you to start by lying on your back with one knee bent and the foot on the floor. The other leg is straight out, toes up. Arms are by your sides. Lift your straight leg and hold it. It works the abdominal area in a way that’s different from cramps which may not be ideal for you now.

Post Partum Exercise

Post Partum Exercise

Lie on your back with your knees bent, arms at your sides, feet flat on the floor as in the first picture above. Then lift it up as of the second pic below.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

Tighten your abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button in.

Lift your one foot up about 6 inches. Hold this position briefly and then slowly lower your foot.

Your pelvis should remain stable throughout the exercise, and you should definitely not experience pain.

  • Hold this position for 2 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  • Hold this position for 2 seconds and repeat 30 times.
  • Hold this position for 2 seconds and repeat 60 times.


  1. Superman Flight Pilates

The superman exercise requires you to kneel on your hands and knees, hands below your shoulders, and knees below your hips.

Use a yoga mat if you find it uncomfortable on your knees. Ensure your upper back is also extended, chest up and shoulders back. Keep your neck straight and chin tucked in. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Stay relaxed and keep breathing.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

Slowly slide one leg backwards, extending the knee and lifting the foot. At the same time lift the opposite arm.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

If you find this very difficult you may find it easier to lift your leg first, get your balance and then lift your arm once you feel stable. Movements should be slow and controlled while you concentrate on breathing normally and engaging your abdominals. The superman exercise on the floor is a good exercise on many levels. If you have shoulder or knee pain doing this exercise you may have underlying shoulder or knee issues and you should consult your physical therapist.

  • Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  • Hold this position for 45 seconds and repeat 5 times.


  1. Foot-Drops/Leg Drops

To start this ball exercise lie on your back, arms straight out to the side.

Rest your two legs on the ball.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

Try and keep your pelvis in its neutral position.

Slowly lower one foot to the floor and return it to the ball. At this point, you are working only one leg. The other leg remains on the ball. Now drop the feet of the leg you are working on to the ground, with your knee bent facing upwards.

Repeat this with the other leg.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

Quick Tips

Do not let your back arch up off the floor or let your hips rotate when doing this exercise. Keep your head on the floor and your chin tucked to prevent neck strain. Try not to improvise by using a table or the edge of your bed to replace an exercise ball. You can put one hand behind your lower back as you do this ball exercise to make sure your lower back doesn’t move. Keep a constant pressure on your hand as you lower your foot to the floor.

Repeat with each leg 5-15times. Start with 5 times on one leg, change to the other leg.


The Foot drop advances to leg drop

This is such that while one leg remains on the ball, the leg you are working on drops to the ground flattened.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

Doing this foot drop may not be easy at first; it would be achieved gradually although some women tend to achieve it faster than others. As you lower your leg these muscles will be pulling on your spine trying to force your back to arch off the floor.


  1. How to Sit on an Exercise Ball

Starting Position

Learning how to sit on a stability ball correctly is necessary for future exercise ball exercises.

Chest should be up, shoulder blades down and back and head back over your shoulders. Keep your feet flat on the ground shoulder width or slightly further apart. Postural awareness is very important.

As you think about activating your abdominal muscles don’t forget to breath.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

When first sitting on an exercise ball you will feel like it’s rolling away under you. Start with your feet wide apart and hands on the ball beside you to hold the ball still. As you get a feel for the ball you can put your hands on your lap, and bring your feet closer together. Once you master this position and are able to maintain a good posture you can try some pelvic movements on the ball as listed in the progression above. It is important eventually to be able to move your pelvis separate from your lower back to improve functional movements.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Hold this position for 60 seconds.
  • Hold this position for more than 3 minutes at a time.


  1. Pelvic Lateral Shift on the Exercise Ball

Start this ball exercise in sitting with a neutral lumbar posture. (See How to Sit). Chest should be up, shoulder blades down and back and head back over your shoulders. Keep your feet flat on the ground shoulder width or slightly further apart.

Keep your head over your shoulders and keep your shoulders level. Slide your hips to the right so that the ball moves slightly to the right. Do this slightly, not extremely so you don’t fall off the ball. Later, as you master it, you can move to extreme extents.

Reverse and slide to the left.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

Your shoulders should not move. Don’t lose the front to back neutral position. ie don’t arch back or forward.

Next Repeat this sequence for forward and backward movements.

Now Try combining this exercise ball exercise with the Pelvic Tilt to move your hips in Pelvic Circles.

The goal to achieve doing this exercise is to keep your head still and shoulders level while your hips roll from side to side.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

One of the things we try to accomplish with exercise ball exercises is core stability. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your spine shouldn’t move, just that we need to maintain control when it does move.

  • Repeat this ball exercise 10 times.
  • Repeat this ball exercise 20 times.
  • Repeat this ball exercise 30 times.


In conclusion, after you must have done these exercises for maybe two weeks, daily, you may want to try grabbing the ball with your legs as done in the image below.

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises

The best post pregnancy exercises are those that work the pelvic and low abdominal area. These are good exercises to start with when trying to get back into shape after a pregnancy. As soon as your doctor gives you “the go ahead”. Remember, if you need to order your yoga mat or an exercise ball, we have some in stock. And if you are a new mom and your tummy is still big, then please consider our 3 in 1 post pregnancy abdominal binder. Its a fantastic product which would help push your uterus back to its position.

Yoga Mat Costs N7270.

Yoga Mat

Yoga Mat

Yoga Mat

Yoga Mat


Exercise Ball (Costs N6000).

Exercise-Ball Exercise-Ball.

3 in 1 Post Pregnancy Abdominal Binder (Costs N9000/N10000).

(3 in 1) Post Pregnancy Abdominal Binder

(3 in 1) Post Pregnancy Abdominal Binder

(3 in 1) Post Pregnancy Abdominal Binder

(3 in 1) Post Pregnancy Abdominal Binder

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Mothersbond is Nigeria’s No 1 Mother and child care online store and resource center. We support moms and their babies by answering questions on issues of importance to them and also sell high quality yet affordable products that aid the bonding process between mother and baby. We welcome your comments and feedback on our products and write ups. Please sign up on the home page to receive further advice, bonding tips and great products directly to your mail box. You can also ask us a question.

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