After breastfeeding over the last couple of months, there comes a time when it all has to wind down. There are many reasons why a mother could decide when to wean her child of breast milk. It could be due to a new pregnancy and another child is on the way or perhaps it just feels like the right time to stop. For those who may not know, Weaning is the process of gradually introducing your child to an adult diet and withdrawing the supply of your milk. For some of us, that time has not come. For some, we are there but don’t know how to go about it.


Weaning: How to Introduce (Semi) Solid Food to Your Baby

Tips and Steps for Successful Weaning

It is usually better to allow your child initiate the weaning process. How? Watch him or her for signs of interest in other food. For example, if your baby is now interested in what you’re eating — making sounds as she watches you eat, or trying to grab your spoon or watches anything you put into your mouth with a look in her eyes that says, can I have a try… then she is saying I am ready to try that. It is also a time when you should be extra careful because anything baby can reach and hold it most likely is headed for the mouth. With that said, here are some tips to weaning successfully.

  • The key to a successful weaning process is to do it gradually and when both of you are ready. That’s you and baby. There is no perfect time but it is generally accepted that at six months, most babies are matured enough and ready to start trying new food. Just try not to make the stop and switch sudden and abrupt.
  • It is always better to begin the weaning process earlier than later because as baby grows, so does the will of the child mature. At 6 months to one year, you can succeed in getting your baby to adjust easily as compared to if you begin later when baby is much older.
  • Gradually cutting back the number of times you breastfeed during the day is a good idea. Not only does this make it easier for your baby to adjust, it also helps you avoid engorgement where your breast would be filled but not sucked or emptied…this hurts.
  • Consider reducing the length of nursing time. If you nurse for 15minutes (for example) from each side during each breastfeeding session, then reduce to 10 minutes each side. That is 10 minutes on the left side and 10 minutes on the right side. Taper off gradually until you are nursing for 2 or 3 minutes on each side. Before long, it would be one minute per side.
  • Let what you know about your baby guide you. You alone know your baby more than anyone else; more than doctors, more than Mothersbond even more than your baby himself or herself. So use that knowledge to your advantage.

Weaning: How to Introduce (Semi) Solid Food to Your Baby

  • Retain favorite breastfeeding times for as long as necessary. For some babies, it is the first nursing time of the day. For others it is the midnight nursing. Let that favorite suck time be the last to go because even if you may not know, your baby looks forward to it.
  • Replace nursing times with more interesting activities. For example, if your child likes to play with a favorite toy, then use that. If your child likes to be outdoors or look through the window, use all of this to distract. But try not to distract on an empty stomach. Distract for only breastfeeding times you are trying to drop.
  • Avoid nursing triggers. For example, holding in the usual nursing posture. If you use a nursing pillow, hide it. I once held a baby whose mom was weaning in a nursing position and all efforts over the past week seemed lost because baby suddenly remembered how sweet life was whenever he was held in this position. So avoid nursing positions and nursing rooms or nursing tools.
  • If you’re introducing your child to a spoon for the first time, do so at a time when your child isn’t extremely hungry and might have more patience.
  • When all else fails and you must wean, then try some tricks such as applying bitter leaf juice on your nipple, applying Aloe Vera gel on your nipple or garlic oil on your nipple to put baby off. It works.

Appropriate foods as you start the weaning process.

Weaning: How to Introduce (Semi) Solid Food to Your Baby

Even after you start solids or semi-solids, breast milk or formula are your baby’s primary sources of nutrition for his or her first year. Keep breastfeeding in some form or the other for at least a year if you can.

We have gotten many questions about what can be used as baby food in place of processed (off shelf) baby foods. Or what can make a baby look healthy and well nourished. Well, our formula which we recommend for moms is a combination of some native yet highly nutritious grains namely Dawa, Corn (Maize) and millet. Take it to a clean machine to blend. Make it clear to those blending for you if you are doing it in a market that it is for a baby so it has to be clean, the plates for the processing  and packing has to be clean, the machine too has to be clean, neat and free from pepper. If the machine was used to grind pepper, then it should be cleaned thoroughly or simply use another to be safe.

Dawa, Corn, Millet can be mixed in a ratio of one cup (or any portion you choose) each of all three. (This mixture would surely make your baby look healthy and robust which is the wish of every mom).

Before processing the grains, you can decide with your own creativity how you wish to proceed, but don’t serve raw. You can grind it and then cook to make a pudding, or you can process how we process pap. Pap is prepared by soaking for a few days before grinding, after which you sieve and collect the smooth part and dispose the chaff. You could also take it a step further such that after sieving like pap, you still dry it again…just as we make starch (dry starch which some people eat and others use for washing clothes). This way, you wouldn’t have to worry about preserving it. Just take as much as you need each time. Either, it is all up to you.

You can also try other grains like wheat and rice mixed with Millet in the same ratio of 1:1:1. Any grain you feel comfortable with.  You can also try purees of any healthy food, including vegetables or fruits. Mash it thoroughly to be very smooth. Remember to sweeten a little if baby isn’t enthusiastic at first. You can sweeten with a little glucose, or some baby milk or even breastmilk. Remember though that baby survived on breast milk and enjoys it, and breastmilk isnt so sweet if you actually taste it, so baby doesnt have to be fed with something really sweet.

Some Things to Look Out For When Introducing New Foods to Your Baby

Weaning: How to Introduce (Semi) Solid Food to Your Baby

  • Choose one food to introduce first and do it one at a time. Whether from the store or homemade, feed that to her for a few days before introducing the next new food, to check for possible allergic reactions. Don’t try different things all at once so if something isn’t right, you can easily pin point where the problem may be from.
  • Don’t worry if you feel baby is eating just one type of food for this period. Remember, your baby survived on only your milk for many months. And with a little of your milk still coming, she’s in safe hands.
  • If you note diarrhea, rashes, or vomiting after introducing a new food, stop offering it and consult your pediatrician.
  • If you choose to buy cereals from the shop, make sure it’s one made specifically for babies; they’re fortified with specific nutrients babies need at this age. Don’t just give her your oatmeal! On the other hand, if you have the time and wish to blend your own formula for your baby from these grains we listed earlier, in either case you can mix with water but we recommend you mix with your milk.
  • You can mix your baby’s formula with your breast milk. This is another secret that makes your baby look fat and healthy which most people don’t tell. When you ask them, they say its nature and genetics that is making their baby look like this. Well, we know the secret and we are sharing here. This is another area where breast pumps come in handy. Extract enough milk with your pump and use it as the solvent to dissolve your baby’s food. You don’t need to use water. Breast milk is almost 80% water. So use your nutritious milk to mix your formula.

Sadly, you can’t store semi solid or formula that may have been mixed with your milk. Unlike fresh breast milk which you can store in your fridge for 3 days or in the freezer for two weeks, once formula has been mixed with milk, baby has to consume all or you dispose the rest. So use very little of your milk and mix very small food at a time, just exactly the quantity you know your baby can consume. Try not to waste your milk. It is precious.

What we know you Could Need

For moms interested in getting a pump to extract milk to mix, we suggest getting an electric pump that does the job quickly and quietly. There are many options out there in the market, but the Kinyo Superfast Electric Pump is one we recommend. Not only does it have a high speed capacity, it’s also very affordable considering how hard times are. This product is available on our store. (N34,550 for double side, and N29,300 for single side).

Kinyo Double Electric Breast Pump

Kinyo Double Electric Breast Pump

If you are buying a double side electric breast pump, you may need to buy a hands-free pumping bra so that your hands would be available to do other things. It is not easy holding up your breastpump on both sides while you wait for it to fill up.

Milk and formula Bottle warmer

Milk and formula Bottle warmer

After extracting milk or mixing a formular which you may have stored, it is best to warm them again before feeding to baby. Babies and infants never like cold food. They are used to feeding directly from Mommy and the milk from Mommy is always warm. And so when you want to bottle feed your baby, it should be the same temperature as the one that comes from Mommy. This baby milk and food bottle warmer has been designed to warm milk to this same temperature as the one from Mommy. (N5600)

Also consider our various options of Nursing bras and Nursing pads. Nursing bras because you would still be breastfeeding. And nursing pads because you would be having leakages even more than before. (Ranges from N2150 – N6600)

Nursing and Maternity bra (Large to Huge Cup Option) (D, DD to G Cups)

Nursing and Maternity bra (Large to Huge Cup Option) (D, DD to G Cups)

Baby Spoon Feeder: Another great product to consider is the Baby Spoon Feeder. It is simply the best to start introducing semi solid food to your baby and here is the reason. The tip (the part that goes to your baby’s mouth) is shaped just like a spoon but in actual fact food still flows from it. This helps in preparing your baby to accept the round shape of a spoon. It’s perfect to feed on the go and it’s definitely a lot less to carry with compared to plates, lids and spoon.

Baby Spoon Feeder

Baby Spoon Feeder


Teethers are very important now. Your baby would keep trying to chew. So be ready. We have some fruit type teethers in stock that are very colorful and attractive. (N1000).

Baby Teether

Baby Teether

You would also need some bibs ( A bob is that piece of cloth placed on baby’s chest and hung around the neck in case of spilled food).

And a baby food blender; if you don’t have one, your hand blender or kitchen blender (at low speed) can serve.

About Mothersbond Mothersbond is Nigeria’s No 1 Mother and child care online store and resource center. We support moms and their babies by answering questions on issues of importance to them and also sell high quality yet affordable products that aid the bonding process between mother and baby. We welcome your comments and feedback on our products and write ups. Please sign up on the home page to receive further advice, bonding tips and great products directly to your mail box. You can also ask us a question.

©Mothersbond 2016.

Image Ref: Boots. Huffington Post. Bounty. Babywisemom