When you have a baby, it is completely normal that you put on some weight in your body or in your belly, so don’t feel bad when your body is simply following a natural process. However, we already established that the earlier you start working on your postpartum body and belly, the easier it would be. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to address as time goes on, but it is generally better to start early because the effort it would take to address it would be somewhat lesser.

That said; let us also establish some other ways to deal with post-partum belly and weight which we often overlook. Please note that all the information and tips and products we are mentioning here have been tested and proven to work. They are also valid for CS deliveries and normal vaginal deliveries too. However, with CS, we just need to be sure your stitches are healed and that there is little or no pain anymore. That said, the 3 in 1 abdominal binder which we would mention more in this post would best sit well with you especially if your child delivery is fairly recent. On the other hand, if it has been about 5-6 months (even upwards of 5 years) since your last baby, then you are better of going with the High Power Compressor. Lets Go…

The first is having another baby. Sounds funny but it is true. If you have lost time and you wish to have another child, then a new baby creates another opportunity for your belly and all the fats in it to warm up and become soft again for you to work on it. But how many women can bear to move around with a tummy they don’t like only waiting for when they would have another baby…that is if they do so eventually. And given how hard times are, it may be better to have fewer children. However, if you are a woman who needs her belly warmed up and softened, don’t overlook the hot water compress; it works. Or you could use a hot water bag.



After you compress for about 20-30 minutes with a hot water bag (make sure you touch everywhere you are not comfortable with), then you can wrap up in the Abdominal Binder or put on the High-Power Compressor for the next few hours in the day or overnight. You would definitely see results whether it has only been a few weeks since your baby or even up to 5 years after your last baby. (Please Note: Even if you are many months or years postpartum, and you decide to try this or any of the tips we are sharing here, don’t let anyone discourage you, not even your dear husband. Stay focused. They are the ones who would be the first to speak up about the results when it starts showing).

The second is the traditional way we back our children. This is the secret of the village woman. She has no 3 in 1 abdominal binder or high power compressor from Mothersbond. She doesn’t even know what these are. But she backs her baby every time to do her chores. That baby would be tied to her back for the next few months or so. But you see, her tying her baby on the back and tightly tying the front part of her belly to make sure the baby is firm enough is another compression opportunity we overlook. In our years of research, we have discovered that the average “village” woman has flatter belly than the city woman. You can check it out for yourself. All the time her baby is on her back and the front part is tied. She has her baby on her back all day until that baby begins to walk or she becomes pregnant again.

How to deal with post partum fat

She only unties him at feeding times or when she is sure baby is fully as sleep. But how can Mrs. XYZ. who is a banker or a business woman back her baby all day. Thank goodness there is an alternative in the abdominal binder or the high power compressor and better for her, she can wear it night and day. So if you are a career woman or a business woman, yes, get a post-partum belt or binder, but also try to tie your baby in the back if you can. It helps compress your tummy and also helps you and baby bond too. And when tying, try to tie correctly. After the top wrapper around your breast, also have another one that focuses on your belly too…make sure however that the one above on the breast doesnt press your breasts too much to become flat.

The Third Way to deal with postpartum belly and body is the one we would spend most time on. Dieting! We are more of what we eat than anything else. Now we are not referring to an expensive, cut throat, uncomfortable, tasteless diet which most people detest. We are referring to a diet that is healthy, complete and most importantly, actually sits well with you if you are breastfeeding. These are seven dieting steps which we have shared with so many women and when they get to combine it with using a post pregnancy belt or binder or compression wear, the results have been amazing. Straight to them:

Tip 1. Eat lesser portions of food. If you eat a full plate of food, make it half of that size. Don’t worry that you would feel like you are starving. Within a short time, you would get used to it. You can augment this by eating healthy in between meals. Six small sized healthy meals are better than three heavy meals. We find women say I don’t eat much; in fact, I eat only twice a day. But in reality, these are two heavy meals that push out the tummy to its elastic limit.

Tip 2. Any meal you eat should not make you feel full. This stretches your stomach muscles and gradually, your stomach and entire tummy expands to accommodate that size of food. When this happens, your default stomach size would be big. So try to eat well but not to the point of being full.

Tip 3. Don’t eat again after 6pm each day, try to have your last meal by 6 pm at most. Late night foods make one fat. If you are hungry, take a cup of hot/warm tea. Not a jar/jug of tea which many of us are used to. A cup will do. Or if possible, more vegetables. The idea is to have vegetables in your body early or late at night because that is when most internal body processes take place i.e. when we are least active. This is the time fat forms and this is the best time to attack them too. What these vegetables do is that they release the essential vitamins and minerals our body need in raw form and so when our body is looking for what to convert into energy, all it would see are these essential vitamins and minerals in their purest forms. So taking them early in the morning before breakfast and late at night after dinner makes them readily available and their content would not be diluted or affected by the other food we take.

Vegetables help deal with post partum belly and weight gain.

Vegetables help deal with post partum belly and weight gain.

Tip 4. Cut off sugar completely. Especially sugar from minerals, soft drinks and packed juices. They make the stomach to bloat and swell. The damage sugar from these sources do to a woman’s body can’t be quantified. So let’s just not even go there or else we would veer off.

Tip 5. Fatty foods and starchy foods should be at the minimal. Let your diet be mainly fruits, nuts, vegetables, beans and whole grains like wheat, maize etc. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat normal everyday meals but as long as you have the capacity to control it, the main content should be these items we listed.

Tip 6. Vegetables are a lot better than fruits because of lesser sugar content (Yes, the sugar in fruits are simple natural sugar which contains the type of glucose our bodies need). But it’s better to stay closer to vegetables especially carrots, avocado, spring onions, garden eggs and raw tomatoes (ripe tomatoes washed clean), cucumbers, lettuces and other green vegetables. These are all contained in a typical salad but we don’t want to mention that word “salad” because once we do so, salad cream, mayonnaise, baked beans and ketchup would come into play. Besides, how much tomatoes could be in a plate of salad? Maybe one at the most…but we need you to eat about four balls of each (tomatoes, garden eggs etc.)Eat them in the mornings about two/three hours before your breakfast. We know ripe tomatoes may taste off, but they are great with tummy and general body fat and if you are breastfeeding, they help too. So, for example, you have breakfast at 9am, eat a bowl full of these mix vegetables at 7am every day for as long as possible but at least 4-8 weeks for best results.

Vegetables help deal with post partum belly and weight gain.

Vegetables help deal with post partum belly and weight gain.

Tip 7. Cut off Fast-food, Snacks, Suya, Pizza etc. They taste sweet in the mouth but they are not for some people.

For a woman who recently had a baby, replace the pounded yam and intestine meat pepper-soup with Irish potatoes and fish pepper soup {stock fish, fresh fish or dry fish, any would do}…you would be glad you did.

Wow, we said three quick tips or three easy steps and we ended up sharing TEN. But it’s Ok. We love it when women get their self-esteem back. And that’s exactly what these ten steps would do for you if you give it all you got. Put your mind to it and if you wish, you could buy a tailors tape to measure your belly every week. Do so in the mornings of either Saturday or Sunday before you take anything. Write down the measurement and the date. Do the same thing for 6 weeks while trying these tips. And let us know how it goes…it should go well.

If you have any questions or comments, please post your comment below or reach out to us through Facebook. We would try to respond as soon as we can. We always try to respond to every single comment. If you wish to speak to someone please send us an email or call 08183461635 and we would be glad to speak with you. If you wish to make an order for any of these items, please call the same number or visit www.mothersbond.com.ng locate the product or products of interest, add it to cart, view the cart and proceed to checkout.

(3 in 1) Post Pregnancy Abdominal Binder

(3 in 1) Post Pregnancy Abdominal Binder

Abdominal Binder (Black)

Abdominal Binder (Black)

Mothersbond 3 in 1 Abdominal Binder A good hospital may include some form of abdominal binders to help you remove fluids and suck your belly in. We have some high quality “3 in 1 abdominal binder’s” and they are available for order. You can wear one piece, any two pieces or all three pieces at the same time and get the best results. One works on the pelvic area, the other works on the waist area and the third works on the belly. So using any of the three, you can focus on the area you feel needs more work. This is one binder you can order right from your hospital bed and you can start using it immediately even before you are discharged. It is very soft and super comfortable to wear on the skin. While wearing it too, you feel wrapped in from right under your bust all the way down to the hips. It is definitely sweet to be inside of this binder. It is made from 100% soft cotton material.  And it has extra layer of spandex which can wrap from end to end.  If you order this binder, please make sure you sleep in it every night for a few months. Dont worry, it is smooth and soft.

Mothersbond High Power Compressor

Mothersbond High Power Compressor (Tight Leg Style)

Mothersbond High Power Compressor

Mothersbond High Power Compressor (Ultra Thin Style).

Mothersbond High-Power Compressor is a special garment designed by Mothersbond for the woman whose belly has refused every effort to push it back. This is a garment made from tough medical grade materials that helps the uterus go back to its place in less time. It is specifically for those who had babies 3 – 6 months ago even up to 10 years ago, or those who had Cesarean section deliveries and were scared or advised not to address their tummy immediately. It is also suitable for women who have had to a surgical procedures which may have led to them having a swollen belly. So if you are starting out late to work on your belly, here is where you should begin. It is comfortable to be inside this high power compressor and you can be rest assured that you would be free to engage in all kind of daily activities. It doesn’t restrict you in anyway and it’s definitely sweet to be inside this compressor. If you do order this compressor, please make sure you sleep in it every night for a few months. Don’t worry, it is smooth and soft and very comfortable.
They have been tested and proven to deliver great results for women. They are the answers many women have been waiting for and is backed up with a guarantee.

Hot water bottle

Hot water bottle

Hot water bottle

Hot water bottle

Please note that you can also use your hot water bottle even when still pregnant. They are absolutely safe. Especially when used on your back, waist, sides and chest. Just try not to apply very hot ones directly on the baby bump. You can put it when warm. You would know what’s too much from the heat.

Hot Water Bottle: N6000.

3 in 1 Post Pregnancy Abdominal Binder (Cost: N10,000) excluding home delivery)

Mothersbond Post Pregnancy High Power Compressor (Costs N15,000 excluding home delivery)

Breast Pumps help you achieve your breastfeeding goals whether you are home or not. They help you extract milk and you can store same milk till when your baby is hungry then you feed or your caregiver feeds your baby while you are away. Costs N35,000 for double breast and N29,000 for single breast pump.

Kinyo Double Electric Breast Pump

Kinyo Double Electric Breast Pump

We have many more products that would be of interest to you on our home page. Please clickk www.mothersbond.com.ng to have a look.

About Mothersbond Mothersbond is Nigeria’s No 1 Mother and child care online store and resource center. We support moms and their babies by answering questions on issues of importance to them and also sell high quality yet affordable products that aid the bonding process between mother and baby. We welcome your comments and feedback on our products and write ups. Please sign up on the home page to receive further advice, bonding tips and great products directly to your mail box. You can also ask us a question.

©Mothersbond 2016.

Image Ref: PickyCook. Survival Farms. AnneWertheim. Health.com. cucciku.com