Pregnancy And Back Pain

Pregnancy And Back Pain

Most Women experience some form of back pain during pregnancy. For some, it is mild and manageable and they can get through day by day until baby arrives. For others, it is such a difficult time and they need help getting through each day. In very severe cases, they can’t stand more than a few minutes or walk long distances. It usually begins from the second trimester when the baby in you has begun to gain weight.

Sometime back and waist pain continues for few weeks after child delivery. But be rest assured that having this type of pain during pregnancy does not in any way affect the outcome of your baby.

Causes of Back Pain in Pregnancy

You have more tendency of suffering from back and waist pain if you have had this type of pain prior to pregnancy; for instance if you had a domestic or car accident affecting your back or waist; these pains could come back now that you are pregnant.

Also, carrying twins or triplets in a pregnancy makes you likely to having back and waist pain, as do having a heavier/bigger baby, above 4.5 kg.

Other factors like being overweight or having a bigger upper body and slimmer legs does contribute.  Also certain health challenges like diabetes predisposes you to waist pain more than other women. It doesn’t exactly follow that having any of these means you would have waist pain, but it increases the chances of it.

pregnancy back pain

What Can Help?

Be Active. When experiencing back or waist pain in pregnancy, your instincts makes you want to sit or lie down instead of being up and about. Yes, rest is required for you but sitting for long also hurts you. Instead of sitting all day make it a habit to stand up and take short walks for some minutes every hour or two. Wear flat shoes that are light and easy to fit into.

Try Not to Stress your Legs. Sandals and flat shoes are best this period. Try to avoid wearing high heels.

Watch What You Eat. If you can avoid sugary drinks please do so as they tend to complicate things. Get the sugar your body needs from fruits like water melons, mangoes etc. Take note of your BMI, the ratio between your height and your weight and make sure you are in good standing for the index.

Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects. Nowadays, larger bags are in fashion but for a pregnant woman it is better to have smaller bags, and if you must carry a big bag, let it be as light as possible, containing only essential things.

Exercising Helps A Lot . A woman with waist pain may say “I can’t even move and you asking me to exercise”? Well there are specific exercise types that can help ease these types of pain. Swimming is one, yoga is another. Walking also helps too. Observe your body closer you would know what may help but speak to your doctor before starting any exercise.

Preventing Weight Gain during Pregnancy

Preventing Weight Gain during Pregnancy

Preventing Weight Gain during Pregnancy

Preventing Weight Gain during Pregnancy

Taking The Right Physical Posture is Important. Your sleeping position, sitting position and even standing positions matter and doing it right can help. Try to sit in positions that make your back stay straight and upright. Use chairs that push out your lumbar area. If you work and need to sit in a formal position most of the time and you can’t afford the correct type of chairs right now, take pillows (small pillows) and put in between your back and the chair. Please take note, the chairs that are better for you now are those which push out your lumbar area, or when you use a pillow, put it right on top of your buttocks such that it is located just on top of your waist and pushes your entire waist area outwards. If you can also get a foot stool to lift your leg up when you are home, do this, it does help.

Your Mattress Matters. It should not be too soft but firm. Worse still, make sure it is not sinking in. This would help you feel stronger when you wake up in the mornings.

If You Can Afford It, Get a Massage. Massage therapists know just how to make us feel better, even if it is a feeling that lasts only a day or two, but the thought of how good the massage feels can actually help you a lot.

Be In The Right Frame of Mind. Think only positive thoughts this period. It helps you stay calm and relaxed. Avoid fearful scenarios, stressful situations and anything that could lead you to worrying.


if you have tried these or you simply want a quick solution that is effective, then consider getting a Mothersbond Pregnancy Support belt and Belly band. At Mothersbond, we have some really great support belts and bands to help you feel lighter and more energetic. Our Mothersbond Pregnancy support belts keep you active, strengthens your hip areas and takes the weight/pressure of your pregnant tummy away from your waist. These belts are also extremely useful if you want immediate relief of pressure off your back and they make you feel stronger by adding strength to your back. Please avoid taking painkillers when pregnant.

The area in the belt that makes contact with your belly is very soft. They ultimately help you remain active and physically fit; you wouldn’t even feel pregnant again. This belt and band has helped so many pregnant women continue to be active. So if you feel you can take a chance with it, then go ahead and make an order. It’s N5870. Available in Black and white.

To learn more about the support belt and make an order, please click here.

Pregnancy Support Belt_White

Pregnancy Support Belt_White

And not every woman likes it when these support belts shows, so they also bought the black belly band to cover it. On its own however, the belly band is a cost saving garment that ensures you keep wearing your old clothes and not always on maternity wears. It covers the entire area where the zipper/buttons of your trousers, jeans and skirts are.

Then we also have yoga mats/exercise mats and yoga balls to help you practice hip exercises. Please call our number 08183461635 for anyone of them you may want.

Yoga Mat

Yoga Mat

Post Partum Exercises

Post Partum Exercises